Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

The Forgotten Coin

My dad died three years ago. The last thing he gave me was a two dollar coin. I always carried it around with me, but one day I was packing and I took out the coin and laid it on my night stand. We were moving in 2 hours so I had to finish packing all my clothes. I was in such a hurry to pack, that I forgot the coin. When I got to the new house I reached into the pocket to get. Out the coin, and it wasn’t there. I remembered that I left it on my nightstand. “MOM! I left the two dollar coin that dad gave me on my nightstand at the old house. Please take me to get it!” My mom took me but they had already thrown away the nightstand and everything on it. I was heart-broken. That was the only thing I had from my dad. My mom told me,”I know that was the only thing you had left from your dad, but that doesn’t mean your dad isn’t your dad anymore. There is no possible way that we can ever forget him. He will always be part of our family, we will always love him, and we don’t need anything to help us remember him. “ That’s when it hit me. I don’t need a coin to remember my dad. He’s my dad! I literally can not forget him, no matter what. I love him, and he will always be in my here even if he is not physically here.
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