Write a story that centres around a ski trip.

Whatever characters you put into this scenario, there is a lot of room for fun and engaging story lines.

Ski Trip

The beauty of Amber is captivating. Her skin is glowing in the sunlight. “Honey, it’s about time we go skiing, isn’t it?” Amber smiles, standing up to get dressed.

“Yeah, we have to be there in an hour,” I say. My hands get clammy, and I sweat more. I walk into the bedroom, seeing Amber half-dressed. I bring my hands up to my eyes. “Oh my god Amber, I’m so sorry!” Backing away, I trip over something and I almost fall on my back.

Her laugh echoes throughout the cabin. “Honey, it’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before,” she says. “Why are you so nervous?” She finished putting clothes on and walked over to me. “If you don’t want to go skiing then just say so. You’ve already done so much with this trip.”

“No! No… I want to go skiing. I promise. I know how much you love it,” I say. “Besides, you promised to teach me.”

“I did,” she says. Her smile is like the sun. It always warms my heart. Even in this snow.

“Okay babe, now I want you to go down the hill first.” She takes my hand. It’s still clammy. “I know you’re nervous, but you’ve been doing so good so far!”

‘God, I love her with all my heart.’

“Just keep doing what we practiced and you’ll make it down without falling.” Amber looks at me, her eyebrows furrowed.


“Oh. Sorry, I’m just a bit nervous. But I know I can do it, I’ve got the best teacher in the world.” Amber smiles and pushes me forward.

“Go ski, you cheesy bread! I’ll be behind you.”

I start slowly, as a get going my speed picks up. All I can think about right now is Amber. How she’s so patient with me. How she always rambles on about health, and hair care. How she has these little mannerisms that I’ll never point out because they make me smile. How her name fits her personality to a tee. She’s always so passionate and when she rants about things, all I can do is stare at her and smile. She’s just prefect in everyway. Even her imperfections make her perfect.

Next thing I know, I’m at the bottom of the hill waiting for Amber to arrive. My mouth turns into a grin. She’s coming. The closer she gets, the more nervous I get.

“Hey babe!” Amber waves at me when she sees me.

“Babe, I’m so proud of you! You did it!” She does little jumps of joy that sends me over the moon.

“Amber, can I ask you something?” I say.

“Of course! But we should go back up so we can ski down the hill again!” She grabs my hand to lead me back to the tram, but I stand my ground.

“Amber, hold on. I want to ask you here.” I put my hands in my pockets.

Amber looks at me and smiles. “Of course honey. What’s up?”

“You know I’m not much for words and speeches…” My throat starts to close, and my eyes water. I take a small box from my pocket and place it into Amber’s hands.

“Amber, would you please marry me?”

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