the awkward date

Alex and Jamie sat across from each other at a small, dimly lit cafe, their first date having taken an unexpectedly awkward turn.

Alex: (Excitedly) So, Jamie, let me tell you about my passion for collecting vintage vinyl records. I have a rare collection that includes classics from the '60s and '70s.

Jamie nodded politely, trying to hide their discomfort at being bombarded with detailed information about vinyl records, a topic they had no interest in.

Jamie: (Forced smile) That sounds fascinating, Alex. I've never really delved into vinyl records myself.

Alex: (Unfazed) Oh, you should definitely check them out sometime! It's a whole different experience compared to digital music.

As Alex continued to talk enthusiastically about vinyl records, Jamie glanced at their watch, silently wishing for an escape route from the one-sided conversation.

Jamie: (Trying to change the subject) So, Alex, do you enjoy traveling? I've been to a few interesting places recently.

Alex: (Interrupting) Oh, absolutely! Let me tell you about my backpacking trip across Europe last summer. It was a life-changing experience!

Jamie sighed inwardly, realizing that their attempt to shift the conversation had failed miserably. They resigned themselves to nodding along as Alex recounted every detail of their European adventure, from the breathtaking scenery to the local cuisine.

As the evening dragged on, Jamie couldn't help but feel relieved when the check finally arrived, signaling the end of the date.

Jamie: (Forcing a smile) It was nice meeting you, Alex. Thanks for dinner.

Alex: (Excitedly) We should do this again sometime! I have so many more stories to share with you.

Jamie: (Politely) I'll keep that in mind. Take care, Alex.

With a sense of relief, Jamie hurriedly made their way out of the cafe, grateful that the awkward date was finally over.

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