Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

The Special Occasion

I slammed the front door as I walked into the apartment Iggy greeted me as always.I ran up to my bedroom, Iggy followed, I heard Kev’s footsteps behind me. “Ev, he called me as he came up..let me explain”, I pulled my luggage from the closet, as I unzipped my bag, I felt like I just unzipped my heart and it was about to pour out, “Ev, really you are going to do this now”“This can wait , She doesn’t get here until next week.” My tears were flowing down my face. I wanted to tune him out but I couldn’t, “ when should I do this, should I leave later, or should we wait to the weekend is over. Should we talk about your wedding plans?What the hell Kev, how could you do this to me,” “Ev “ he grabbed me and pulled me in to his chest, I sobbed, I had just lost a competition I did not know I was in. As I pulled away I said “Kev, for a year I have been around, I moved in with you as you were devastated from your break up. I have been there for you. love you, you had to know, Kev shouted, “Ev, it was not like that between us, you never said you loved me! “Kev, Did I need to say it? Kev, what were we doing for the last year? How did you missed it ? For the past year it’s been you and I you in my world I in yours. Kev, my good my bad I share with you, I tell it all to you first, I come home to you, hang out with you, bike with you, have dinner with you, walk iggy with you,we even adopted a dog together! I thought tonight’s special occasion was us! I thought you were going to finally make it official with us. Not announce your engagement. I just want to leave Kev” , I quickly grab whatever I found threw it in my bag. He ran his fingers thru his hair as looking for clues he missed,he looked up “Ev, I am sorry. I was just being your friend”. “My friend”, I said, “my friend would not forget to tell me he has been seeing his ex fiancée again, my friend would not climb in bed with me just to hang out”. “Ev, you know I have always loved her”. I smirked, “No, you know what I did not forget was how she broke your heart”. “How she never called you after she left, How you were depressed for weeks” I wiped my tears, petted Iggy, as I walked out my room. I grabbed my luggage and went down the stairs, Iggy followed me. I was in a dazed I scanned the room looking for my keys, I found them tossed on the dinner table, I glacéd at the wall of pictures full of our memories. I sighed and said “I will send for the rest of my stuff. I will keep Iggy, you can get a dog with your wife to be” As I walked out he grabbed my hand ,” Kev the sooner l leave the better I will be” His gaze was soft, I wanted him to say it was me, but I-knew it was just a goodbye, “Ev, Ev, he stuttered we cannot leave this like this, I need you to wish me well, tell me we will get over this. Please,” I looked up at him and softly said I wish you well, but I can’t get over this,not now.” I grabbed his chin and kissed him, I wanted this moment to be forever, but forever was short lived“Goodbye Kev.”

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