Your character is going to recieve some huge news. Write a story with clear foreshadowing in the lead-up to the pivotal reveal.

Plan ahead! Foreshadowing may allow your readers to guess what might be about to happen, or to look back and see clues they missed along the way.

What Happen To Our Love


“Mickey did you heard about Shawn moving to Cali”


“No, ever since we broke up I have been narrowing my focus on myself more”


“Do you want to know more about your ex’s recent escapades?”


“No, I would have love to have closure after the breakup but somethings just don’t need explanations”


“I just wonder sometimes”


“Where did the love go

When he was lusting over other girls

When he fond over memories of another girl

When he compared me to his ex’s

When he would choose his friends over me

When he defended the people who would disrespect him on a daily

When he put me against his friends

When he chose to continue talking to his ex

When he chose to talk to multiple people

When did the love even appeared

When did he truly started to love me”


“It most have been really hard on you”


“It had me feeling nostalgic

Did I care to much or did not care enough

Where was the love when I was catering to his needs

Where did the love has gone

I remember loving him to the point where I wanted to provide for the both of us

I wanted to have a family with him one day because I loved him but I felt like I was someone he just wanted to use for his own benefits

At least I experienced what love can really be”


“I understand your relationship with Shawn was rocky so let’s not talk about him for awhile. This situation seems like you need to heal from it before you start reminiscing on the good times you guys share together. It looks to me that your hurting from this still”


“Your right!

I wish we could have left things in a more calmer matter

I felt like it would have been this way if we were both on the same page but I had to let him down in a harsh way

He would not listen to me when we spoke about it so I had to force the relationship to end

I did it because I loved him and I personally felt like I was hurting him. So I pushed him away so he can learn to grow and do better, even though our breakup was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I cry everyday wishing things could have been different and better”


“Wow! It seems like you were looking out for him”


“I was! I was always giving him suggestions on ways he could grow in different aspects. I wish he could understand I was caring for him even when we had arguments, I would make sure he was ok. I would even nurse him back to health. At one point, he was my baby. I think us being separated is best for the both of us”


“Why do you say that?”


“It might help us analyze the situation better to help us improve for our next partner”


“Great! Stay optimistic about the situation Mickey. You will heal soon and find new love”



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