Write a story that contains an assassin as a character.

They do not have to be the main character, and you could take a twist on the real meaning of the word assassin.

Assassin Pt 3

Anya stared in shock at the young girl. River, an assassin. A girl Anya’s age. Sent out to kill her, the princess, only to defy orders because the princess was her twin sister.

The only thing she could whisper was: “How?”

“I don’t know.” River looked down. “All I know is that I was raised my whole life by the society of spies and assassins for the other side of the war. I only learned of my parents a few weeks ago. I only know we were separated when we were very young, perhaps two. I don’t know why or if the king is even our father or of the late queen was our mother. I don’t know if the two people who raised me are our parents.”

“So what now?” Anya asked. “You say you are not going to kill me, but that will ultimately kill you. The spies and assassins you worked for will turn on you once they recognize your betrayal.”

River stared back at her with those chilling blue eyes, so unlike Anya’s brown ones. “I am not about to kill the only family I know I have.”

“I refuse to let you risk your life for me!” Anya whispered loudly. River shot a look at the door.

“Keep it down, will you? Listen, tomorrow morning tell the king you were attacked by the assassin in the dead of night. Tell them you fought them off, stealing their dagger and killing them one-on-one.” She drizzled something over then tossed Anya the dagger she’d been sharpening. It was now tipped with a dark red substance.

“A mixture of corn syrup and red food colouring,” explained River. “Take it. Tell them you shoved the body out the window and it fell from the cliffs into the water of the river beneath your room’s window.” Rider pulled out another vial of the liquid on the blade and dripped it around, creating what looked like a veritable battle scene. She shot another look at Anya. “I’ll come back tomorrow. That is, if you want me to come.”

“But—But—why convince the king and the guards and everyone that you’re dead? And where are you going? Of course I want you to come back, but why leave now? Why do you want to come back?”

“That’s a lot of questions,” grinned River. “About me looking to be dead? Well, if you think about it, the king will get more and more anxious about the assassin lurking in his castle. Everyone important, including you, will be practically surrounded by guards all the time. So, if I appear dead, he relaxes a bit, enough so that I can start seeing you again every night without having to be cautious about the guards.

“As for question two, I’m not sure where I’ll go. Probably I’ll head into the town not far from here and snatch some food. I can’t be stealing from the castle when I’m dead, can I? For question three, it’s almost dawn and your maid will be coming in soon. I can’t let her catch me. Finally, question four… well, you’re my sister. I want to get to know you better.” She smirked at Anya before slipping out the window. “I’m sure we can get to know each other before we start driving us crazy.”

Then she was gone. Anya ran over to her window and peered out. River was rapidly climbing down the steep walls of the castle. Anya settled back in her bed and smiled to herself. A twin sister in the form of an assassin… she wondered what on earth was to come next.

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