Your protagonist is visiting their relatives, when they realise that an important family heirloom that was entrusted to them has gone missing.
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Whether You Like It Or Not
Deloris hadn’t been home since it happened. The castle wasn’t the castle she had grown up in, for it was now dusted in the corners and any feeling of homeliness was torn from it. She and Mother sat in the dark dining room, nibbling at raspberry pastries and tea.
Mother looked tired. Deloris watched as she motioned her maid from the corner, asking for more tea although her cup was nearly full. She was avoiding the talk, avoiding the reason why she brought Deloris home in the first place. She also knew that although she would get around to it eventually, she didn’t have to say anything. Deloris knew.
“Where is he?” Deloris mumbled sternly, breaking the cold silence. Mother looked up at her, her lips trembling and her eyes pleading with hope. Deloris shivered at her mother’s condition.
“Where. Is. He?” Deloris was close to tears.
“Gone. He took it, and he’s been gone. Ever since that night.” Mother finally muttered.
Then it hit her. Mother was tired because he took it. He took the dagger, and he left.
“And where is,” Deloris was close to tears. She knew what was coming. “Where is Father?”
Mother paused, her eyes darting to the floor. Deloris broke.
It took her 5 minutes to call a carriage, prepare a bag, and then she was off. She knew exactly where she was going, and who she was going to. She was ready.
“I knew you’d come back.” The sound of his voice sent a shiver up her neck. She had found him in the Forrest pavilion only minutes away from the castle. He always came here when it stormed.
“Where is the Dagger, Odin.” She spoke coldly. He began to chuckle, still not turning around to face her. She grew angry.
“I said. Where. Is. The. Dagger? My father is dead. That dagger has been a part of the royal family for centuries. You knew that, and you took it.” She couldn’t help the tears rolling down her face.
“I didn’t take it.” He argued.
“No, Odin. You took it because it wasn’t meant for you.” He froze at those words. She had hit a nerve, and she knew what she was doing.
“That dagger drew the soulmates of my ancestors. I told you that. That dagger allows my family to ascend. Without the dagger, the universe kills them off. You took the dagger, and so you killed my Father. The man drawn to my mother, the former Princess and now Queen of Quetestia. You killed the Prince Consort of Quetestia. You’re angry because you weren’t my soulmate. The dagger didn’t draw you to me, and we weren’t meant to be. But most of all you’re angry because despite all of that, despite the fact that you aren’t my soulmate; I will always be yours.”
Odin stood from his seat at these words, storming toward Deloris with a determination in his eyes. He stopped right before her, and not even a coin could fit between the distance of their faces. Without breaking their eye contact, he lifted his shirt, revealing cuts all over his stomach and back, even some still bleeding. Deloris froze.
“I didn’t take your dagger, Deloris. You left, and it follows me. It hurts me. So, you’re a liar. You do love me, and you never stopped.”
Deloris was without words. Before she could speak, he grabbed her face, pulling her in. When their kiss broke, she looked down at his stomach once more. There was not a cut in sight.
“Your mother didn’t bring you back, Deloris. The dagger did. The dagger brought you to me, because you were wrong. I am your soulmate, whether you like it or not.”