Hector & Georgio

“Of course she’d like you more than me. Just look at you- out of the two of us you are clearly the better looking one”

“Georgio, we’re twins- we look identical. Well, aside from our hair of course. Yours was always so much more thick and luscious, unlike mine. I’m sure Daphne loves that”

“Hector, you and I both know my hair is no match for your incredible sense of humour. I see the way she is with you; she’s always laughing and smiling and completely lovesick”

“My social skills are only good because that’s all I’ve got to show after years of not amounting to anything. I’d kill for your brain, Georgio. You’re smart and incredibly talented at that computer coding thing you do. Trust me, in 5 years when you become some rich tech CEO, all the girls will be fawning over you”

“5 years?! I can’t wait 5 years. Daphne and I were suppose to end up together now. Do you know how long I spent pinning over her? 2 months, Hector, that’s how long. But you, with all your charm and wit, spend 5 minutes talking to her at the punch bowl and suddenly you’re the twin she desires. This is so unfair”

“I can’t help it if I’m charming!”

“Well maybe try a little harder to be less charming then!”

“Would it make you feel better if I stopped talking to her then?”

“You know I wouldn’t ask you to do that, Hector”

“Fine then, I won’t-“

“I wouldn’t ASK you, but as my brother you should know that it is implied”

“Okay, so you want me stop talking to her then?”

“Only if you really want to. Of your own accord”

“I don’t really want to, in all honesty. She seems really nic-“

“Oh my god Hector, of course I want you to stop talking to her”

“Well maybe if you just flat out said it the first time I wouldn’t be so confused. How is anyone suppose to understand your roundabout way of talking?”



“You know what, You’re right Hector. It’s a good thing you have good social skills. One of us had to be the smart twin”

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