The bookstore

As I entered the bookstore, I felt safe. Safe from all of the judging and all of the people. This was my refuge, my home. It was late afternoon, when I entered, the sun was setting and the sweet smell of old books was in the air. I walked inside, absorbing my surroundings. The front tinted windows that illuminated the shelves and gave the store a yellow color. The wooden shelves were filled with books ranging from horror to romance to fantasy. As I went towards the back of the building-which is where I usually stayed- it was inhabitated by cozy couches, that had blankets, pillows, as well as tea.

The magical ambience of the bookstore today was unlike anything I had felt in the previous weeks. There was an aura to the books in this place, that it oddly felt safer and made me sleepy as I sat on the couch. I felt all of my emotions get swept away except for one; amazement.

The table beside the couch that I usually sat in had a book that had been picked out, and I looked at the book; The Land of the Drelves. I opened the book wondering what it was and started reading it.

I was swept into the magical book of fantasy and felt everything the characters felt. I knew that this was not normal, and looked away. Immediately all of the emotions went away and I felt tired again.

Realizing this, she had to make a choice. Either leave the bookstore and go home, or continue reading.

I chose to read. To live in the world in which this was written in.

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