Inspired by Penoculate
A human is coming to terms with that fact that nothing is as it seems; monsters live ordinary lives among them.
Write a story involving this character
Insidious Infection
When I saw the scars I panicked. What was I supposed to do tell my friends, what would they tell me? Am I going crazy or do more people have them than I thought? When I get to school I ignore everyone around me, even my best friend. These people might not be people after all, there is way to many with the same long narrow scar behind their ears and under their chins. Is this even possible? I’ve gone to school with most of these kids since grade one and now I’m just noticing this. What if my parents have them to? My boyfriend since grade seven has them to; Ethen Loryol. When we kissed I never saw them. Maybe I’m the different one for not having them but it is possible something is taking over their bodies, like a weird parasite. And maybe the scars are where the parasite infects you and I just haven’t gotten it; yet.
For the rest of the day I ignore everyone with the markings. I don’t want something to happen, but since this morning, more and more people have them. After I sprint home I go on my computer. There is news articles about it and towns are disappearing after everyone from it has been affected. Scientists can’t figure out what it is, but as I read more and more and it gets later into the night my mom comes in my room.
“Hello Grace, it’s mom. You need sleep now. It may affect you as it has us.” She ruffles in a monotone voice, I nod my head and lay down with my curling wand in hand. That’s all I have to protect me. She didn’t act like that when I got home but I’m scared now so I try to sleep, but I can’t and my neck starts hurting again, pulsing, pushing through my veins. What is inside me!?