The Person in the Mirror

I think I just meet the happiest person in the world. It was me, when I was born, I had just met myself for the first time.

If I where to ask some one to describe me, not like I would want to talk to people at this rate, they would probably say I was the most introverted, gloomy, depressing person on the planet. And that was the truth. But there was someone I knew that was the opposite. Her name was Keziah, which means sweet, and she is. She was the most outgoing, friendly, energetic, bubbly, extroverted girl that I had ever met. That too was me. The real me. The person underneath the dark and gloomy disguise.

I have always an very extroverted person— on the inside at least. But people don’t judge you for who you are on the inside, they judge you by what you look like on the outside. And me, well, I had pale skin, long, dark, unkept black hair with shaggy bangs that hung over my grey eyes. When people first started to make fun of me for how I looked, I tried to fight back, but the more I did the meaner people got. Eventually, I stopped trying, and that got me where I am today. Nowhere, absolutely, 100 percent, nowhere.

I wonder what life should have been like if I had tried to show people the real me, a happy and energetic person. Whould they have accepted me? Whould they have turned the other cheek? Or would nothing have changed? For weeks I had pondered these questions. And now I knew what I wanted to do.

Tomorrow is the last day of school, the last day of eighth grade, so next year everyone will be going to different schools, bigger schools, high schools. That’s why tommorrow I’m going to be my real self and if people don’t like me why should I care? I won’t see most of them ever again— maybe. My plan was set. Smiling I went to bed and dreamed of tomorrow.

I woke up extra early, exactly 20 minutes and 34 seconds earlier than usual. I was exited, ok? Today I had worn a bright orange shirt and a pink skort with matching tennis shoes instead of my usal jeans and a plain dark T-shirt. My mom had promised to drive me to school today. I heard the honk of a car, that was my mom trying to tell me to hurry up and get into the car, which I did.

My mom pulled the car into the school parking lot. I put a huge smile on my face. I was ready. I slowly opened the door. The next step, was to make it through first period class.

I knock on Mrs. Watson’s classroom door. I waited a few seconds and a student finally opened it for me. The students name was Percy, he took one look at me and made a confused facial expression. Here we go. “I’m sorry,” he began to chuckle, “but is it April fools? Or does keziah have a twin?” Deep breath, I told myself, deep breath. “No.” I said and looked up at Percy who seemed to have been completely unaware that I could talk this whole time. I smiled, “but I sure wish it was! I would be fun to play a prank on the teachers, wouldn’t it?” I walked off into the classroom leaving the dumbfounded Percy standing in the doorway. I had a good feeling about today.

As I walked over to my seat I saw a bunch of faces staring at me, but instead of ignoring them, I simply smiled and waved at them. Some people smiled and some just shrugged. But I didn’t mind because all I saw where the faces of the people who had smiled, those where the faces that counted.

The rest of my school day went like that some people made confused or discussed faces at my and some smiled and waved back at me. But no matter what people did, all I thought of at the end of the day where the people nice enough to smile and wave back. The people nice enough to see the real me.

At home that night, I looked into the mirror and saw the happiest person I had ever met. And that was me.

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