The Hope That Depended

It was sudden.

It was like someone had clicked their fingers.

Like someone had flicked a single switch - a switch that controlled every single angle in time.

At first, I was unaware. I had considered the blinks of the bulb to be a coincidence. I was the only one who believed that the desolate outside was bleak because of a simple power cut.

Oh, how I was so wrong.


Once I had come round, I realised that what I was seeing before my very eyes was real.

All my restless eyeballs could make out was a faded dot - a light - in the distance.

It was the last piece of hope left in the world.

I saw it - it was strong and bold. It didn’t look like it would fail.

I saw it - it glimmered before flashing.

I saw it - it blinked.

I saw it - the light was becoming dimmer and the more I stared at it, the more it seemed to fade away into the inky blackness.

And there, I saw it.

The only piece of hope left.

It had gone.

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