A Rock and A Hard Place

I must go.

I cannot allow him to talk me out of it this time; it’s for the best. I will not allow him to stifle my needs this time around because I know he can’t resist.

I must go.

If I’m ever going to find myself, I must get out from behind his shadow. He’s been hiding me there like a child for years, and I cannot take it any longer.

I must go.

The weight that my voice carries is not heavy enough to drown out his manipulations. I love him, and it’s killing me. It’s literally killing me.

I must go.

In order to save myself, I must get out of here. I mustn’t give him an opportunity to stop me. I’m wasting time contemplating what he’ll do when he comes home and I’m not there.

Why can’t I bring myself to leave?

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