Title TBA (suggestions?)

Hi, My name is Louise. Atleast that’s what she calls me. I don’t think I ever really had a name before she came along, “Who’s she?” you ask?. Well, she’s my best friend named Kate. From what she tells me she’s now in second grade for whatever online schooling is, and she just turned 8! how exciting. Must be nice to age every year, huh?. I’ve known Kate her whole life to be honest. I remember the day her family brought her home..they grow up fast don’t they? Kate often tells her parents about the games we play, like tag. She’s always told “you’re too old for imaginary friends” or “they’re not real.” Today is Kates birthday. 8th to be exact. Hence why I said ~just turned~ she seemed so happy with all of her real life friends during the lovely set up her mothers done for her party, I was there for it Of course but did not show myself as I did not want to ruin her big day with a yelling from her parents. But you know , it’s how the day ends once everyone has gone home, with all the cake gone and every barbie and race car present opened.. Why race cars? She likes them. Which I think is nice her parents aren’t all “those are boy toys” why does it matter? It is a toy your kid likes, I believe clothes are clothes. Toys are toys and love is love. I’ve learned a lot with this family, It’s beautiful. But, they do not believe I am real and that’s what Kate & I strongly dislike. Once a very late night time fell after her birthday party, I decided to give her my gift. I showed myself in Kate’s doorway and suggested that “ we get rid of them.” She gave me a confused look and asks quietly , “how?” Ofcourse her being 8 I couldn’t exactly tell her how... but show her. So I did as I feel any good so-called imaginary friend would and took control of the child’s form, having her get rid of her parents. It wasn’t until in the bathroom when she was washing the blood off of her hands, she even knew they were dead. I was sat criss cross on the toilet lid looking at her for some kind of reaction or tears - maybe even questions on what the hell just happened , something! But none came. she only smiled & looked to me like I had saved her. “Thank you.” Was all she said before she left... I never saw her again afterward or ever knew why she wasn’t royally angry with me or sad. But I think now her parents will see that I wasn’t Imaginary all along, because they can finally see me.

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