Write a short horror story that DOESN'T involve murder, pyschopaths, or paranormal activity.
Think about what other themes make captivating horror writing.
Law 223
Hello tonight I will be your speaker thanks for using EDI Corp your ticket to the greater galaxy.!!!
Now if your refer to your welcome packet that was provided on entry to the space travel 1010
You will see that there is a healthy sized portion of rules these are paramount to your relationship with the greater galexy and. You now law 223
Now 223 can seem scary but only if you don’t heed the laws
223:lifeform threat:omega
Standing at a lithe 6.10 and a combined weight of 140 223 while being tall and lanky 223 moves with surprising speed and pathways.
Being able to latch oneself to several different surfaces while maintaining a speed of 4–12 mph
Now 223 eyes are calibrated to the see in the dark being night hunters so a flashlight can be useful
Having the brain compacity of a adolescent humanoid child.while having a larger stature 223
Has a preference to hide among containers that can support its size so check that cargo ever now and then
completely hairless 223 thrives in colder climates but is susceptible to hotter weather and climates
So if you encounter one crank up that heater is may save your life and your crew
223 can very but most have a carnivorous nature and preference having been know to decimate colonies on far of worlds
Extreme caution is advised with dealing with 223
While having adolescent intelligence it will defend itself if threatened
Several items can be seen used against 223 preferably a flamethrower or as simple as a blow torch be creative
223 has a hardened exoskeleton covering its own vital areas sweeping in groups is advised
Now 223 can survive in the vacuum of space for just under 2 hours before succumbing to the lacking oxygen
All in all if you use your laws and your brain 223 will be a passing nuisance now to the rest 224 ….