In a dystopian world 3000 years from now, what is the most sought after job?
You could a write a descriptive paragraph about this role, or a story about someone who does it, or any other idea you have answering this question.
The Sun’s Power
Pods hovered throughout the sky. Humming as they went by, covering the sun like moths to a flame.
The streets were empty today and the roads were full. And that’s how Fumble got there first.
Why Fumble was not driving at this very hour was because he had always been a slow driver not because he was bad at driving in general, but because he didn’t trust the car he drove. He drove an old pod his father had bought him back in 2989. The pod was grey and dented with streaks of dirt riding across. It made an old sound sort of like a rain when it hovered and could no longer hover anymore then five feet of the ground, which was very bad for a pod.
He continued walking, his feet starting to hit the gravel below him at his normal rythem. He kept going straight, then he went left, then right. And very soon, he reached it.
The Sun’s Power was a small but very successful green house. Plants all around inside, some climbing up the walls of the building while others sat isolated.
Fumble walked in, his eyes catching all sorts of different plants as he walked over to the woman working the register. She stared at him with a dull look in her eye and asked
“How can I help you today sir?”
He then responded. “I’d like a job”
She looked down, still carrying the look in her eye as she looks at a paper in front of her. Then after her eye travels across the paper a few times, she looks back up.
“There are no job openings sir “