Lies Can Kill

The tears are streaming down her face as she’s driving. The rain is coming down heavily, obcoring her vision even more. Her words keep echoing in her ears.

“It was all a LIE!!” Sid threw down his shield badge and ID. “You’ve been working for shield this whole time! You lying sack of SHIT!”

Ron raised his hand in front of him. “Wait. Babe. I can explain.”

“Don’t call me that! SCHEIBe KOPF!! I can’t believe I listen to you. I can’t believe I trusted you!” She started throwing various groceries at him.

“Sid, I… yes, I was told to keep an eye on you.” He tried to explain, blocking and dodging, as he got closer. “But that was after I met you.”

She grabbed a frying pan and held it up ready to strike.

“Woah, Babe stop. Think of the baby.”

“THINK of the Baby!! What the HELL do you think I’m doing right now!! Shield has running experiments on me when I was a kid. They don’t care about age” That’s when the tear started to flow. “I’m staying away from Shield because I’m nothing but a lab rat to them. And what the hell do you think they’ll do to our baby?! We’re not people to them Ron. We’re tools. Assets. Nothing more. That’s why I stay away from them. That’s why I fight them. And if you talked to me actually listen to me, you would know that.”

His hands fell to his side. “I’m sorry. I didn’t…”

“NO. You Didn’t.” Anger filled her eyes again.

“They told me..”

“They’re spy’s Ron. They Lie for a living.” She drops the pan on the counter. “I have never Lied to you Ron.” He looked up at her, her eyes filled with tears. “ I have Never Lied to you.” She turned and walked out.


She slammed the door behind her.

She whines the tears from her eyes. She grabs her cell, and goes to contacts and favorites. MD. She hits call, and speaker.

Tree rings and he answers. “Hey kiddo. How’re you doing?”

“Not good MD.” The tears are flowing again.

“What’s wrong? What happened? The baby?”

“He’s ok. It’s Ron. You were right.” She starts to sob.

“It’s ok. Are you driving?”


“Ok. I don’t want you driving in this rain. Pull over somewhere safe and I’ll come get you. Ok?”

Sid knodds with a sniffle. “OK. I’m on a bridge I’ll…”

*CRASH!!* The impact of the truck behind her throws her into the steering wheel. The seat belt biting into her 6 month baby bump. *CUNCH!!* POP!* The front of her car smashes into the side of the bridge, firing off the airbag in her face, throwing her head into the seats headrest. But the truck doesn’t stop. It just plows pas, pushing her car through the side guards and off the bridge into the water.

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