by Kamil Kalbarczyk @ Unsplash

The scene opens with your protagnoist paddling hard down the river, desperately trying to outrun their pursuers.

Dry Martini (continued)

“Toni” she says a little calmer but still frazzled. “Wait so you’re telling me you find a naked girl on the side of the road and instead of calling the cops you throw her in your car and bring her to a hotel room albeit a beautiful hotel room but still isn’t that crazy?” Toni says finding that somewhat comical.

“I know it seems weird but I figured you were safer here than in some police station, I don’t know. I thought you’d be safer with me well here, or atleast more comfortable” Scott replied.

He seemed genuine Toni thought and it may be shallow but his good looks were helping his case. “Safer with you huh?” She says taking in his physique and his kind but slightly disheveled features, “Your probably right, I’ll be honest I’ve woken up in worse hotels.” Scott smirks and raises an eyebrow at that “This kinda thing happen often?” He says teasing.

“This kind of thing? No never. This is the first time.” Toni says. “So are you okay? What do you remember. You looked pretty rough lastnight.” Scott says looking at Toni she’s kinda pretty all cleaned up. “Uhh actually my legs are all cut up and I have this bump on my head. I uhh I don’t remember anything…” Toni says fixing her eyes on the floor almost ashamed.

Scott’s eyes fall on the pillow with the small blood stain. “Maybe I should’ve gotten you to a hospital..”He says.

“Me? Maybe. I don’t know I didn’t mind the view this morning.. what about you? Your arm?” Toni says gesturing to his still bleeding arm. “Sorry again for shooting you..” she’s a little awkward in her mannerisms.

“Oh this it’s fine.. just a graze don’t worry about it.. So what do you remember from lastnight?” Scott says he’s kind with a comforting presence but it’s clear he’s been shot before.

Of course he would say something like that, is he trying to be so hot. Toni thinks to herself.

“Well uhh I was at the bar I was supposed to be meeting a friend the last thing I remember was ordering a dry martini and checking my phone.”

She pauses “not much after that.”

“Okay what time was that?” Scott says firmly. “Oh maybe around 8:30.. What time did you find me? What time is it now? What day is it? Where are we?” Toni responds she’s spiraling.

Scott gets her some water “Sit calm down.. it’s okay we’ll figure this out. You’ve been asleep for 13 hours.. Maybe longer since you were sleeping when I found you it’s 2pm Saturday I found you at 1am lastnight.” Scott says calmly rubbing your shoulder he can tell you’re starting to freak out again. “what do you mean it’s Saturday?” Toni says unsettled, “I went out to meet Beth Thursday night.. I.. I lost a whole day?” Tears are forming in her eyes.

“I’m.. I’m sorry. Okay.. I can help you figure this out..” Scott says “We can go back to where I found you see if it jogs your memory?”

Scott suggests, trying his best to be positive he can see how this can be a scary situation for her. Toni straightens up “Sure.. Uhh yeah that’s a start.” She wipes her face with her hands and drys her eyes.

“Wow she’s handling this well.. She hasn’t called the cops? She hasn’t left?” Scott thinks to himself. “Good.. let’s get moving.” Scott says.

And so Scott and Toni leave the hotel in search for answers and all is well until they get to the lobby and Toni sees the busy streets outside.

“Where are we?” She says firmly but there’s a crack in her voice as if she’s stifling tears probably because there’s people everywhere. “New Orleans.” Scott states as of that were obvious. “New Orleans? Oh um okay.. yeah.” Toni says running her hand through her hair casually but Scott can see there’s something up. “You okay?” He whispers Toni nods with her lips in a tight smile “let’s just get to the car.”

As soon as they get to Scott’s truck Toni unleashes more tears, it seemed they just slipped out. “Are you okay. What happened in there?” Scott says getting his seatbelt on. “Yeah well.. No. it’s just that I was in Monroe and I’m.. well.. I’m just not really sure how I got all the way to New Orleans.”

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