The Princess Who Doesn’t Want The Title.

MY LADY!!! SLOW DOWN!!! YOULL GET HURT!!! My maid yelled behind me as I ran with all

My speed. Come on Maya!!! Have a little fun once and a while!!! I said as I giggled enjoyed how my hair flew back and the feeling of airbrushing past me as I ran. Once I saw the dinning hall I slide to a stop and brushed my dress and patted my hair down taking a deep breath. As Maya stopped next to me panting and on her knees. P- please…. Don’t r-run so fast she said as she could barely get her words out. Maya go take a break your tired and besides this time I will convince mom and dad to let me go and explore different kingdoms I don’t want to be stuck here my whole life. I said with a smile and a look of determination. Maya hesitated for a moment and then said okay my lady I wish you luck just try not to angry the master again Maya said softly and I could tell she was worried by the look on her face. Okay I’ll see you later Maya I smiled at her and took a deep breath before opening the door to the dinning hall. I saw my parents sitting calmly in their seats waiting for me before they would start to eat. I walked slowly towards my seat so they wouldn’t know I ran here, and I sat down calmly. Hello, Mother and father I said as they replied with a nod and we began to eat. what caused you to be so late to dinner? Mother asked as she looked at me sternly like she was trying to remind me that I needed to work on my manners. I lost track of time while playing outside Mother I said with a calm tone and ignoring the look she gave me. Have we not talked about this!! A girl shouldn’t be playing around like a boy!! Father yelled as I stayed quiet for a few seconds well I guess I can forget about the idea of leaving this house. I thought to myself but I still wanted to try and to see if I can convince them. Mother and Father i know when you were younger you guys met traveling on a public boat. You must understand how I feel I want to explore and have fun. Can’t I do that? I asked trying to keep my voice calm. No you can not go anywhere you are staying here until you get married do you understand? He stated as I was about to argue when I saw him glared at me daring me to say anything more. Yes, I understand I said softly and looked down at my plate as I ate my food. After that conversation we ate quietly in the silence the only thing you could hear was the sound of forks raking the plates of food. After breakfast was over I stood up and gave a small bow. may I be dismissed? I asked as mother and father waved me off and I walked out of the dining room. I hated this why can’t I do anything I want to do. I thought it myself as I went to my room. After a few hours I saw someone walking towards my castle and they looked like a pirate with a big brown hat with a skull on it and a praite eye patch with dirty clothes. I tilted my head as I was confused on who this was and if my parents knew them, but my curiousity got the better of me and I giggled as I ran out of my room and down the stairs fast I was excited to see something different in this castle finally. I ran towards the front door of the castle until I saw my parents already there and I slide behind a colum before they could see me. Crap how f do I’d they get here before me. I guess now all I could do is listen in to their conversation. I peaked out from behind the colum slowly and the pirate guy took a bow. Excuse me your graces, but I came here to ask you of something. I know it is rude to come in person like this, but we don’t have a choice. He said as he kept his head down in a bow. Fine tell us and we’ll decide weather to help or not. Thank you he said as he tried to get rid of the shakyness in his voice and he got on his knees with his head down. Our village is being destroyed by the demons of the enchanted forest. Please we need your magic to get rid of them. He begged as he waited for their response before moving. My parents looked at eachother for a moment like they could talk to eachother inside their own heads. Powers this could be my change if he helps me sneak out of here I could go with him help his village with my powers and finally be able to explore the world after that. I listened in to my parents conversation wondering if they will agree with helping him or not. Both of my parents shook there heads and my Mother spoke up sorry but we will not be able to help you. I knew mother didn’t like to go out that much. So this wasn’t unexpected. Father would also agree with her. I predicted as Father shook his head at the pirate agreeing with Mother. Please I beg of you the pirate said as he got in his knees but mother waved at her servants that dragged him out as ge begged. I smiled as I sneaked past upstairs before my parents could realize I was there and listening. I jumped out the window using my power to slow down how much I moved down until I touched the ground. I turned my head looking for the pirate left and right. Until I saw the pirate who was on the floor from getting thrown out by the maids and he just layed there looking at the sky with a sad look. I walked over to him and leaned forward to look at him in the eyes. Hello! I said with a smile. He jumped not seeing me come up behind him. Who are you? He said cautiously, while getting up on his feet and keeping a hand on his dagger. I’m Emily . I said without mentioning my last name. But he the dress or maybe the name but he must have already figured out who I was from the wide eyed expression. Your Emily the Madam and Masters he said slowly as I nodded slowly letting him register that. O-oh I’m sorry for my bad manners he said as he took a bow but I stopped him before he could putting my hand on his shoulder. Hey, what if I tell you that I can help that village with my magic. I asked as I smiled seriously and looked into his eyes. No can do I’m sorry but it’s too dangerous and if anything were to happen to you. He said as soon as he realized I was being serious from the look in my eyes. Trust me I can help and I’ll be fine besides it was my idea so if something does happen just say I followed you without you noticing and got myself killed. I said with a smile as I waited for his answer. He hesitated for a moment before saying okay fine he said as i smiled a huge smile of excitement I was overjoyed to finally leave this house. Okay we will go at midnight, so to pull this off I need you to go to the back door and when you see a maid with a blue hair tie then I want you to make noise so you could distract her then rub away by making her go near the back door I can sneak past her and escape. I said as I smiled at him and he looked deep in thought about this idea. Okay but be careful if you get caught this idea is over okay. He said as he looked at me with a serious expression. Loud and clear, sir I said with a salute and a wink. See ya I said as I ran inside my manision and did all my the things I would usually do in the day pretended to act normal and not overly excited so my parents won’t catch on to what I’m going to do. Once it became midnight I opened my eyes from my bed since I pretended to sleep with my maid she won’t come to check on me again. I stood up and wore some riders pants and a shirt, that I bought with my own money without my parents knowing. Wow, now that I realize it I have a lot of stuff that I hid from my parents. I must be a great lieing what am I thinking? That’s not a compliment. I shook my head from my thoughts as I packed my bags quickly with just a few stuff that are necessary. Walking through the halls I made sure to hide and run at the same time, keeping my gaurd up I saw one maid coming around the corner as I hide into a storage room and waited for her to pass once she passed by. I peaked out of the closet, the cost was valet and I have go to be very careful. Walking out of the closet I accidentally caused a broom to fall and I lunged to catch it before it hit the ground. Whoa, that was a close one i mumbled to myself as I put the stuff back in the closet and ran towards the entrance quickly and as quietly as I could so no one would wake up from my footsteps. I went down the stairs carefully as I heard a creak sound on each step. Goddamn it why are there stairs always so loud at night: I thought to myself as I tried to stay quiet. Once I made it to the bottom floor I ran for the back door. Hiding behind the wall I peaked over the wall to see that the maid watching the door get distracted by the priate just like we planned as she walked over to the window where she heard the rock the pirate threw hit the window, and this was my chance I walked carefully and slowly opening the door slowly to not to cause any noise. Then I closed it as quietly as I could. Yes, I did I made it out of this boring mansion. I looked around excited looking for the pirtate, so we could go to his village next. Hey, no one saw you right? A voice asked from behind the door I walked past as I turned and saw the pirate leaning against the wall beside the door as he slowly closed it so no one heard the sound. Yeah I was extremely careful don’t worry. Now shall we go I’m pretty sure we have a long way ahead of us I said while adjusting my bag on my shoulders better. The pirate nodded as he walked past me and towards his ship, follow me he said as I followed his lead. Once we got

In the ship and we’re about to sail I looked at my home from the ship. who knows when I’ll be here again I thought to myself as I smiled happy to finally be able to chase my dreams. So what’s your name I asked as I turned to face the pirate. Who raised an eyebrow at me it’s Mack. Alright Mack let’s get going your village awaits. I smiled.

The End.

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