End Of An Era

Lucus stepped up on a wired fence staring out at a city. Sunset at their favorite time, blue hour. Lucus smiled at stared at the city, closing his eyes he took a deep breath and smiled. “I never get tired of this” he said to Jake behind him you watched the sky, felt the wind, and though about the unknown that was ahead of them. “I’m scared” he said to Lucus, his sunshine friend. Lucus always balanced out Jake, and Jake balanced out Lucus. “Yeah” Lucus said his eyes close. “Me too”. They stood in silence. “Will you still call me” Lucus said not looking back in a almost pleading voice. “I’ll call you so much you’ll get sick of it” Jackson replied. “Will you still like me” he asked back. “Always” Lucus finally turned around and smiled at Jackson, “You sure you want to be a lawyer?”. “I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life before” Jackson replied walking up to the fence and stepping up with Lucus. “You sure you want to stay back?” Jackson asked “you know you don’t have to help your family buisness”. “I know” Lucus said “but I feel bad not helping. Plus I don’t mind working at the restaurant. Tis cozy” he said nudging him. They stared out at this city for a long while, in nothing but the sounds of their environment. “I can’t believe you leave for law school tomorrow morning” Lucus said smiling, but his eyebrows curved up showing sadness. He paused. “I’m gonna miss you so much” he looked at Jackson with shining eyes of tears. “Your my everything”. “No matter what” Jackson said “I will never stop loving you, well as friend of course” They both laughed for a second before continuing. “End of an Era” Lucus quoted. “Where on earth did YOU hear that” Jackson chuckled. “Just popped in my head” said Lucus smiling. There was a pause of silence , “End of an Era”. “And beginning of a new one” finished Lucus. And the two stood at the gates of a new chapter, ready to take on a new world.

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