The Tower

Alone sat the maiden in the tower.

Alone with her thoughts.

Alone every day.

Alone rode the knight.

Until he came across the tower.

That held the maiden captive.

Alone flew the dragon overhead.

Watching the maiden and the knight.

Would anyone ever save him?

Alone sat the tower.

Looming over the horizon.


A part of the story that no one noticed.

Alone stood the trees.

A wood full of trees.

All alone.

In this world,

Is anyone truly


Alone sat the maiden,

Waiting for the knight.

Alone rode the knight,

On his loyal steed.

Alone flew the dragon,

Flying high with the birds.

Alone sat the tower,

A part of the story that was most important.

Alone stood the trees,

Waving their branches towards each other.

I bet,

If you looked really carefully,

You are never truly alone.

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