You receive a letter from a parallel world, addressed to your parallel self. It seems they are in danger, and you must help them.

Continue the story.

Dream Walker

All day was normal. Almost.

It started with a feeling. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I wasn’t alone. Even in my one bedroom apartment with nobody there I half expected to find someone just around the corner.

Then throughout the day at work, and walking around the city it became more out of the ordinary. A whisper here, a shadow there. I’ve always been called paranoid by my family. They love me of course like a person that loves moldy cheese. It’s good but an acquired taste. And a little weird.

As I was walking up the run down stairs of my apartment building, after a long day, I could hear the couple that lives below me fighting again. They were nice but like fire and gasoline. I wished they would just move on, so the building could be quiet again.

The sound of police sirens filled my ears as I approached my apartment. I took a look at my door and blinked a couple times. There, taped to my door was a letter with my name on it. I gulped as I took the letter and opened it.

The letter said, “This is going to be hard to believe but your actions today will not only save my life, but the lives of millions. Now I know what your probably wanting to do. You want to crumble this letter, go into your apartment, and get lost on the internet until you pass out. But Lacy would be disappointed and sad that she never got to meet you in person. Not only that, but she will probably be dead. I hope for all our sakes you make the right choice. Go to Willow Creek park at midnight and it will become apparent what you need to do next. See you soon.

P.S. Shave your beard. Don’t want you looking like a loser when you meet Lacy.”

I stare at the letter with an expression that probably looks like a gaping fish. I reread it multiple times, and then read it again. This was impossible. Nobody could know who Lacy was. She had come to be a dear friend to me, but she wasn’t real. I only see her in my dreams. Lord knows I’ve never told anybody about here because I know people would think even less of me.

I stood outside my apartment door for what felt like forever. Finally, with my stomach growling, I enter my apartment to scrounge up dinner. I can’t make any decisions on a empty stomach. Scratching my beard, I walk toward the kitchen.

Damn, I should have taken my meds this morning.

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