Write a short story which repeats the same line in every paragraph.
By repeating a line or phrase, meanings can be twisted as the story goes on.
Daddy, I Need You
"Daddy, I need you." She cried with a torrent of tears. "Daddy, where are you?! I'm so hungry!" But there was no father to provide her with food to eat. No one to give her something that would satisfy the intense pangs of hunger she felt. For he was wasting away the only money they had left, the only money he had to buy food for his little girl.
"Daddy, I need you!" The little girl cried once again. "Mommy's sick, she needs the doctor." But there was no father to help his wife when she was sick. No one to buy medicine for the poor, miserable spouse of his. For Daddy, whom the wife and daughter needed so badly, was at the casino quickly gambling away what little money he had left.
"Daddy, I need you!" Once again the plaintive cry was heard. "Mommy's dead, oh Daddy, where are you?" But there was no husband there attend the poor woman's funeral. No father to comfort his tearful daughter. For daddy, with little thought of his deceased wife, was having the time of his life with some of the village prostitutes.
"Daddy, I need you." She screamed at the top of her voice. "He's coming... for me! Help!" But there was no loving father to come to the rescue. No one to pull her from the grasp of the cruel man and say, "NO!" For daddy, the only one who could protect her, was himself doing the same thing to other girls in the village.
"Daddy, I need you." The teenager broken-heartedly sobbed. "Daddy, why could you have let this happen to me, when I needed you the most?" There was no father to help his girl out of her depression. No one to stop the knife in its course as it glided over her wrists that night. No one to hold her and tell her that she should stay. For her father, who had let her down all these years, was now mugging someone in a street corner far, far away...