
“Why? I just save you from being caught… give me a break!”

“You’re the material of dark magic, deceiving is in your genetic makeup… just give me the rest of the solution to my exam and we’ll be done.”

“Ok..ok… here you go - have fun in class kiddo, and if you ever want to sell your..”

“Never! Don’t bring that shit to me, satan!”

“Ahaha just kidding… have fun!”

- Jason came out of his trance, he was in class and students and teachers were around him worried sick..

“I’m okay, I’m okay… must be a low sugar thing… yes, yes I can continue the exame..”

- Jason continues his test, but no one new that he just came from the astral realm, from a meeting with satan himself and had all the exam solutions in his mind - he was young but his future was assured (?)

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