Write three paragraphs detailing 1) the setting, 2) the characters, and 3) the action or event that will happen in your opening chapter.
Even if you don't know how the chapter will flow yet, you can begin building these ideas.
My Characters And Setting
The beginning setting is in Brooklyn New York, where LSN’s home is located. Their house used to be a large shopping center, but Emery Alexandra tricked the owners into thinking it was haunted and they immediately abandoned it and sold it to her for a reasonable price. Most people now think of it as a small, private school that nobody really knows or cares the details about. It had three floors; the upper floor was for food and medicine, the first floor had clothes, jewelry and other things such as school supplies and toys (stuff Walmart would usually have). Then there was the basement, which was used for storage. There was also suspected child labor happening down there. As you could imagine, LSN kept part of the top floor for eating, and the rest was for makeshift bedrooms for the boys. Emery helped move furniture around and add showers.
The other location is set in Atlanta Georgia in a mansion. The mansion contained two floors with very high ceilings and many rooms. There Mason hosts his party. The mansion is mostly made of old looking stones with realistic looking fake moss on the outside. Most of the inner grounds is made of white marble
2) I have only just begun this story, so I only know about seven of the characters (MCs). Let’s begin with
Jasper: he is the leader and founder of the spy group and spent six years training as an agent. Other wise known as ‘boss’ to the rest of the team, Jasper plans the missions and usually has a small role. He is not always a big part in the missions because the whole reason for making the spy team was to have children go places where most adults would be conspicuous. More on Jasper, he is Japanese and is pretty tall. He is good at blending in and lying at times. He never really knew his father and his mother died of an illness when he was four. His mom’s sister took him in and taught him the ways of spies. At the age of fifteen he goes through a trial and at sixteen becomes a trained agent and works along side two others. I haven’t thought up names for them yet though. I just know I want one of them to have been assassin turned spy and a theft turned spy. But that’s another story for another time. You don’t find out most of Jasper’s backstory until near the end of the book. At the age of twenty his boss, Emery Alexandra, becomes the boss boss, and Jasper and each of his teammates find there own teams from orphanages around the world.
Jupiter: she’s the youngest of the group and is already pretty short for her age. She is very expressive emotional and loving. She is black and has deep brown skin and usually wears her hair in two buns. Her dad was killed by the main antagonist of the story because he was a great spy for Emery Alexandra when she was two, and her mom died giving birth. So her orphanage was the only home she ever knew of. She grew up being a big help to the workers there. She was the one who fed the children showered them and kept them entertained with fantastic fantasies of warriors and kind dragons. She was taken in by Jasper when she was twelve. Jupiter is usually the one to design their disguises and tell them how to act.
Rain: she is Jupiter’s sister and is pretty different in personality and physical appearance. Rain is more of the shy type and has locks that come right above her shoulders that are reddish brown. Her skin is light brown with a sprinkle of freckles and a cute shaped nose and a sharp jawline. She wears round glasses and is deaf. There is a feature to her glasses where it shows what a person is saying if speaking to her. You already know most of her background. She is the one who makes their fake identities realistic with the paperwork.
Miguel: he is the charming one. At school everybody probably would have known him. He is Dominican and has a fade cut and light brown skin and freckles. They are not very noticeable though. Miguel does the hacking in most missions. His dad was a con man when his mom died of an illness. When his father abandoned him when he was seven (he wasn’t really fond of his father so his grief was brief, if at all existent), he took to the streets making money off of magic tricks and entertainment, all the while swearing to never steal and become like his father, even when times were tough.
Matteo: he is Italian and has hazel-green eyes, tanned skin and messy wavy brown hair. He is very shy and does the engineering work on the missions. He makes all the gadgets, including nearly invisible earpieces, unsuspicious looking communication devices, and even Rain’s glasses (Rain was forever grateful, and even teared up when she received them!). I haven’t really worked much on his profile, so I don’t really know his backstory.
Bea: she is often thought of as ‘really pretty’, only to her endless annoyment. To most being beautiful is a gift, but to her it means harassment. That’s why she taught herself how to fight. Her fighting skills only made her more great as a spy. She is Chinese and has bangs that nearly cover her eyes (her only disguise). Both her parents were great people, but were killed in a car accident, and Jasper offered her a job as an agent five years later when she was ten.
I’m running out of my word limit! I’ll continue it in another document.