Inspired by Ocho Jacinto
A mysterious figure hitches a ride during an intense storm.
Continue the prompt in any genre you like - perhaps you will use the atmosphere to drive a mysterious narrative, or to completely juxtapose the character and setting to the plot.
The Figure
From my window I saw it all.
We were all huddled together as the freezing cold rain lashed at the window. The sky was pitch black and you could barely see 5 feet in front of you. Mama, Daddy, Ellie, Thomas and me, Janie. Thomas was wailing and Mama was calming him. Ellie was staring, pudgy little fingers pressed up against the glass, watching the rain splatter. I was just looking around. The laundry room had started to take on water, as it was seeping through cracks in the doorway. It wouldn’t be too long before it came and swallowed us up in the dinning room. And then I saw something out of the window, across the street, just barely. It was a dark and shadowy figure quickly moving from street lamp, to street lamp. Somehow the lights still hadn’t gone out, there were faint little orange blobs across the street, therefore letting me see the figure. All of a sudden a small red car zoomed across the street and the figure jumped inside and the car zoomed away as quickly as it had came.
A flashback hit me and when I came out of it I gasped.
“Mama?” I whispered with fear in my voice. For I knew who the figure truly was.
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