Submitted by Bea Ruy
“You can’t be here,” he said. “Vampires only.” I grinned a sadistic smile. “Is death allowed?”
Continue the story using the prompt as the first line
Success isn’t for the weak
“You can’t be here,” he said.
“Vampires only.” I grinned a sadistic smile. “Is death allowed?”
He looked at his partner confused and wide eyed, his partner refused to make eye contact.
Typical. They were only donors what else was to be expected.
I walked past them into the building, it’s black and red hue making any who enter appear dark and lonesome no matter how gleeful one might be. Young girls littered the dance floor, while the men mostly seemed to find residence at the bar.
I scanned the room for a tall pale blonde, something practically impossible to differentiate in such a setting. Yet there she was lurking in the shadows by the bar. Strange.
“Miss.” I said as I approached her, unsure of her motives or skill.
She turned around her eyes small and rat like “who are you?”
She leaned back against the bar her eyes flicking to and fro through out the club never quite looking at me. She knew darn well who I was.
“I’m here for the money.”
I was warned about this, she was quite skilled at pretending to be of lower ranks than she was, disgusting in my opinion.
“All of it.”
“I’m sorry I was told you guys came once a month, I’ve already given it up to another death.”
“Don’t lie to me Diane.” I said.
Her brows furrowed, as she pressed herself against the bar, her mouth fell open a moment as if her words had to claw their way up her throat.
“Human!” She screamed.
Four or five donors rushed me, weapons drawn; although it was clear they had no intention of using them. I grabbed the girl pressing her against the bar so that she screamed, the donors skidded to a stop one or two even falling on their own swords.
The girl grabbed my head and pulled me towards her. Knocked off balance i fell into her perfectly timed kiss.
It was soft. Sweet. It was the type of kiss that sent an electric charge all the way down your spine. It was the type that made you forget. That made you - fall.
Retrieve Diane
Rogue vampire who successfully drained her victims of every last cent but failed to send the cash up to a higher agent, such as a death.
Mission status: