Is This What Hell Feels Like?

I walk up to my terrorizing bullies at the school hallway. They notice me and start to laugh hysterically. I manage to get the courage to confront my terrorizing bullies. I yell to my terrorizing bullies, “fuck you guys, I’m tired of your bullshit.” “I won’t let you guys push me around anymore.” After I said that they laughed at me in a maniacal manner. Then they responded, “oh really and how are you gonna do that?” I respond in what I think is a threatening tone “like this.” After I say that I pin them all to the wall and then head lock them all. Lastly, I finsh off with right hook punches on all their chins. Other students surrounded me as I spontaneously attacked my bullies. The other students had their cellar devices out recording the fight. I knew this wasn’t good news what if they showed the video to the administrators. My head is acheing from all these train of thoughts. My heart is racing and my lungs are collapsing. What am I gonna do? What did I do? It was all happening so rapidly. I wasn’t quite sure why I did what I did. I keep asking myself why but I can’t come up with an explanation for my actions. The searing flames are now burning in my mind.

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