Without planning or drafting, write the opening page of your story.
We will revisit this prompt at the end of the month to see how your ideas and skills have developed!
A Question
The day my father passed was the worst moment of my life. Not just because he’s gone, oh no I could heal that scar just like anyone else.
No, it’s because I just don’t remember how. You see, when he passed on, I was young, I think four years old. But past that I can recall only sounds. A deafening scream, the blow of someone’s breath, the cries of so many others. Now I know what you will say. The most obvious solution. “Ask your mother.” Right?
That would be great advice, really it would, but she doesn’t remember either! So I lay in my bed…I’m seven now and I just realized I never told you my name.
I’m so sorry, it’s Damian. Damian Locke. Nice to meet you.
Anyways, I hope I can figure this conundrum out soon because I’m going mad with grief. Shouldn’t you know how someone close to you passed away? Especially a parent?
“Damian! Breakfast!” My mom calls. I forgot about that. I got school today. Great. Just great.