Forest Bathing

As he looked out onto the horizon, the beauty of the day was stunning.

Below him, the lake shimmered in the early morning light.

Cold air seemed to snap everything into sharper focus.

Dense forest surrounded his perch on the western bluff circling the lake.

Eagles screeched loudly and proudly in the distance.

For Tyler, there was no more perfect morning.

Getting in a hike before winter really set in, when all of the summer tourists were long gone, was heaven.

Head to toe, his body was electrified with the feeling of being totally alone in his favorite state park.

It was a stark contrast to how he felt about the rest of his current reality.

Just a few weeks ago, his wife passed away unexpectedly.

Kristin had shown no outward signs of any on going health issues, but was diagnosed with late stage ovarian cancer during a routine exam.

Little could be done by that point.

Medical staff did all they could to try to keep her comfortable in those last few days, but the disease took its inevitable toll.

Now, for the first time in 24 years, Tyler found himself alone.

One day seemed to bleed into the next.

Purpose felt as though it had been drained from his entire life.

Quiet moments, which used to be so rare with Kristin around, were never ending.

Rallying himself to go anywhere, to do anything at all, was a monumental effort.

Somehow, he managed to force himself out the door this morning.

Turning on a familiar autopilot, he awoke before dawn and drove himself from his downtown suburb to the remote state park where he had covered so many miles - both solo and with Kristin.

Unsure exactly why he was being called to go there, he followed the urge.

Very quickly upon arrival, he understood.

While what had happened to Kristin was a tragedy, it was not a reason to give up everything he had also loved.

Xanthic light began to flood the horizon as he paused for a moment to allow his grief to wash over him - just for a beat.

"You would love this view."

Zipping up his coat a little tighter, he turned and continued on the trail he had walked so many times - feeling relief in a way that only the purity of nature can bring.

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