
“Don’t you see now I control everything.”

Mary looked down the hall at a dark silhouette walking towards her.

“It’s been me the entire time, I’m the one who hacked your phone and sold your stories to the Russians.”

The silhouette was now in clear sight.


“Oh hunny, call me King.”

“You don’t, your voice..”

“I’m a master of disguise Mary, I wear many hats you could say. I’ve been watching you for a while now.”

“What- I don’t..stand back.”

“Don’t be so frightened Mar’, I’m your old friend.”

An evil grin now sat on his face.

“What are you talking about? I don’t even know..”

“It was me Mary, I’m the one who reported every google search, every iMessage sent, every thesaurus input, you were definitely..” Troy looked down at his hand and adjusted the position of his Apple Watch to see the time better

“My favorite little puppet. We always were ahead of your next move Mary, it’s all part of the big game.”

“So you’re a fraud! How could you, you cheating bastard!”

“Oh I wouldn’t say that Mary, it’s just the perks of being so technically inclined.”

“I’m calling the FBI.” Mary fumbled with her phone as it shook in her palm.

Troy gently put his hand over it and slid it away.

“I wouldn’t do that sweet pea, you know…calling my supervisor and all would be just another waste of time.”

Mary took in everything for a moment with tears running down her cheeks, and realized she was defeated, there was no way out of this hell that she had wanted, and prayed so desperately to be free of.

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