The Moons Planet

Our world is different.

We envy those who live on earth. That spoiled planet always got the best of us. They can call us aliens, abuse and mistreat us, but we will always stay strong. We are the people of Monlanti, the planet near the moon. Thousands of years ago, the earth was unaware of us. Our planet is so small it is something they would call a pebble. But it’s our home; the only home we’ve ever known. Then one day explorers found us and our planet. They kidnapped our people and researched them. Those people were never seen again. Immediately they took control of us, controlling our every action and laughing at us because we were different. But the real reason they abuse us is our disadvantage as a planet. Instead of getting our heat from the sun, the grand star they all seem to worship, we get our heat from their moon. This causes them to view us as their property and so for thousands of years we have been enslaved. Life isn’t as good when you are always hidden behind the moon. Plants struggle to grow and we people struggle to live. We never see a bright warm day. I hope that one day I can visit earth and speak to the people there. I will speak for the freedom of our people and a chance at a different and better life. I have heard old stories about our planet. We used to thrive on the reflected light of the moon. Our plants needed very little sunlight and got their energy from the strong tides that flowed over them. But earth has planet all there plants here and they are slowly dying. My family and friends tell me I am a strong speaker. I am preparing to travel to earth soon. I only hope my voice is strong enough. I hope it’s stronger than their cruelness, their curiosity, and their power hungry minds. I can only hope my small quiet voice can speak strong enough words to earn us our freedom at last

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