'I need to tell you something, urgently. It's about your boss.'

Write a tense, engaging story with this as the opening OR closing line.

occupational hazard

“I need to tell you something, urgently. It’s about your boss.” Click. You hang up and prop your feet on the ottoman. What do you care? And on your day off, no less? You ease your shoulders into the couch cushions and turn on the TV. The new season of your favorite show is out today. You’ve dedicated the entire day to sitting on your ass and binging… . . . safety in the workplace. s a f. ety. in the work. place. you find yourself you find. yourself. it’s all just a little little littlehhhhhit’s a bit disorienting, isn’t it? ddddddddddddddddddd i need to tell you ssssssssssss maybe you ssssssssss ggggggdon’t worry. eorry. eeeeeee it’s just a little occupation ational hazard HAZARD H A Z A R D HHHHHHAAAAAAAA . . . You wake up. Ah, shit, you must have overslept. You check the TV… you slept through the last five episodes? Great, that’s yet another thing you’ll have to catch up on. You go to turn the TV off… …but it doesn’t want to. Great, now the remote’s out of batteries, too. Another day off, ruined. Ah, well. At least you have the weekend off. That’s more than enough time to relaHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRR You snap your head over to the window. How did you not notice the color of the sky? Jesus, it’s the color of blood out there. This is normal though, right? It’s late, the sun is setting, whatever. Then again… it is a pretty deep red. And what was that noise? You edge away from the window until you reach the other end of the couch. Something slimy tickles your shoulder blade. You quickly turn to swat it away. It was nothing. Psh. Maybe you’re just on edge. You turn around… The sky is pitch black. Why is it black? “I’ve been trying to call you.” The voice is coming from the kitchen. Is that… your boss? What’s he doing here? You turn to the pitch-black corridor leading to the kitchen… “We had some people call in sick.” Red light flashes you from the kitchen, engulfing your eyes. The glow drowns out everything. It nearly blinds you. “We’re going to need you to come in tonight.” Goopy black tendrils ooze from the corridor. They grab you by the ankles. You try to resist, but they have a monstrous grip. They reel you in, closer and closer to the red. “If all this goes well…” Red completely eclipses your vision. You hear creaking, like an ancient maw prying open. You’re raised into the air. A massive, slimy tongue caresses your head. “…you may even get a promotion.”
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