Submitted by Brittany Lawson

Write a poem about someone stuck in a cycle of self destruction. Just as they are about to exit the cycle or have a breakthrough, the poem starts back at the beginning.

Midnight Mantra

𝄆 A simple question, on its face An idle path to tread But every dead end sends me reeling Fearing what’s ahead Lost within this feedback loop My doubts compound and clatter Amplified and dissonant Till something in me shatters Among these shards my shifting thoughts Reflect, refract and scatter And now I’m grasping at the fragments, Wondering why it matters When all that’s left with heft enough To set upon the scale Is certainty I’ll search again For certainty, and fail As levers taut with tension snap I’m falling like a feather Wondering, next time I misstep… What can I do better? 𝄇
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