The Leiderhosen Sibling's B&E Livestream!

“Hey! Yo, yo…yo!!! It’s ya boy Hansel B’ Hatin! And I’m here with my one and only SissyPoo, the most incredible sister in the whole damn world, Gretel Da Great!!”

“Yo, Yo, Yo Kiddie poos! Y’all ready for the live stream event of the summer!?” asked Gretel with a seductive wink to the camera.

"I'm just going to cut to the chase because that's what yall are here for right?! Tonight, the SissyPoo and I will be doing something that involves this lovely joint."

Hansel flipped his phone's camera to display the massive house before them. The Witch's house was crafted with a flurry of delectable sweets, the mere sight made the siblings salivate. The walls were made with the most golden of graham crackers, Hansel could see the flakes of sugar as they twinkled under the moonlight. The corners and window frames of the house were lined with a candy cane so glossy that it glowed with radiance. The roof was made of the flakiest of chocolate wafers, and on top of that was a vanilla frosting that oozed with perfection. Fat and juicy gumdrops lined the edge of the roof and each one spanned the colors of the rainbow. Red, blue, green, and orange, each one flirted with Hansel's tastebuds.

"I wish you guys could smell how sweet this crazy lady's house smells. It's nothing short of Orgasmic!!" Hansel said as he returned the camera to himself. "SissyPoo! Get that ass over here so we can tell all of our streamers about tonight's play!"

Gretel let out a giggle and shuffled through the dirt to her brother's side. She gave a playful wave to the camera, her eyes taking in all the hearts as they came in rapid succession across Hansel's phone screen.

An Absolute Beauty- Commented GingerBMan23

I think Im IN LOVE- Boi4Real85

🍆🍑👅- TheBaddestWoof

The comments kept coming and each one provided a surge of electricity that sparkled through her veins, providing her with a feeling that she couldn't get from anything else. She tossed her head to the right, her wavy golden locks of hair falling with elegance across her face, and then she blew a kiss for the camera as the hearts kept on coming.

"Alright, my FairyTale Followers, here's the play. Word on the street is that the Big ol' Bitch of a Witch has gone MIA. She hasn't been seen in weeks, maybe even a month or two. SissyPoo and I are going to break in...and what do we expect to find in there Gretel?"

Hansel turned the camera toward his sister.

"One of two things," Gretel said as she waved two fingers in front of the camera. "The Witch's dead and decomposing body."

"And what else?" asked Hansel through a grin.

"And that giant mountain of gold that everyone's been going off about. All those riches that she's been hoarding for her fat and ugly self! We're here to see if that wild rumor is true!!"

"That's right SissyPoo!! The Leiderhosen siblings are finna be rich, and all you fine folks get to see it first hand!!!" Hansel turned the camera around to the house once more. "We've been told by a little birdie that there's a way in through the basement, so that's where we're headed. Lead the way SissyPoo."

Gretel made her way down a narrow dirt path that led to the back of the house. She ran her middle finger along the side of the house, taking in all the flakes of sugar that lined the graham cracker walls. She spun around for the camera and playfully licked the side of her finger.


Guuuuurl you something else!!!!- Hillz4Jill

You two are INSAEN-Fiddler#2

Hansel followed Gretel as she made a left turn for the backyard, his camera not leaving his sister as the comments and hearts continued to pour in. Their fans loved her, and he didn't have a single problem with it.

"Your little birdie was right," Gretel said as she came to a stop, eyes locked onto the small window at their feet.

The basement window was slightly ajar, as the little birdie had told Hansel. Hansel gave it a playful kick and it moved up and down, proving that there was more than enough space for each sibling to squeeze in.

"Un-fucking-believable." said Hansel in a shocked whisper. "Maybe she is dead?"

Gretel flashed her heart-stopping smile for the camera, "Only one way to find out right?"

She got to her knees and lifted the window upward, just enough for her to comfortably squeeze through and into the basement. Hansel fixated the camera on Gretel as she disappeared into the darkness of the Witch's basement.

"Yikes," said Gretel in a low tone, so low that Hansel barely heard her.

"What's wrong?"

"Completely different aesthetic down here," she muttered. She reached her hand out the window for Hansel's phone. "Give me your phone and get down here."

Hansel handed her his cell phone and carefully slid through the basement window to join his sister. He was greeted with a sour smell that was so foreign that it almost made him lose his footing. The sweet and succulent smells of the house's exterior were gone, replaced by the dilapidated odor of a neglected basement. It reeked of mold and rot, he could smell the pools of stale water in the corners of the basement and the aged and cracked wood of the staircase directly in front of them. He could smell all of it and it brought tears to his eyes.

The comments continued but the hearts stopped. If Hansel had looked at his phone, he would have seen comments like:


I got a bad feeling about this...-BellesRose

Ummm turn around and leave?-GolDeeLoks

Those Gold Rumors are False!! Turn around and bounce!!-RobinHood1883

But he didn't see a single remark, and neither did Gretel because both siblings were stunned by the condition of the Witch's massive basement, it seemed to span further than the house itself. The surrounding walls were lined with aged cobblestone, dark from years of despair. To their immediate left was a granite countertop, littered with rusted-over tools and dull stones for sharpening. Wooden shelves lined the wall in front of them, the shelves caved inward, with the contents spilled lazily over the shelves and onto the floor. Hansel could see crates on top of crates, packed with contents he didn't care to scrutinize.

Further into the basement, off to their right were a series of rusty steel cages, and past that were more granite countertops, but these were lined with what looked like rotting meat. Hansel could see the buzzing flies as they sporadically went from one chunk of rot to another. At the basement's center was a large black, steel cauldron, large enough to fit a human being. A fire burned below, its orange flames and embers were the basement's only source of light. Hansel could hear the water as it boiled, as it bubbled and gurgled in the silence.

"I don't think she's gone, Hansel..." Gretel said in a cracked whisper.

Hansel did a panned shot of the basement, ensuring that their viewers saw everything that he did. He walked further into the basement, past Gretel who stayed behind.

"This is fucking bonkers," Hansel muttered. "Nothing like the outside."

"Hansel!" Gretel shrieked through her teeth. "I don't think this is a good idea!"

But Hansel continued forward, recording the cauldron’s contents of the boiling water, glossing over the questionable chunks that bobbled up and down. He panned his camera over the rotted chunks of meat on the granite countertops, his phone cutting through a swarm of hungry flies. He turned around and faced Gretel, who remained by the window. He realized at that moment that the window was too high. That they'd have to help one another to get out of the basement...

But by then, it was too late.

The ground above them shook with violence, but only for a moment. Then he heard a door swing open, and frantic running down the aged wooden stairs. Hansel watched in horror as the Witch emerged from the darkness. She was massive, standing so tall that her head nearly brushed the ceiling above them. She had wild and graying hair that shot out in every direction, her crazed eyes were littered with red veins. Her nose arched outward, over a series of black and sharp teeth that looked far more like fangs. Her body seemed so huge, so round and out of proportion. She wore a thinning shirt that hung down just above her waist, and Hansel could see the nipples of her sagging breasts.

The Witch let out a shrill scream, one so loud that it rattled the basement walls. Her head snapped toward Gretel who let out a scream of her own, before turning her attention toward Hansel, her beady eyes locking onto his. She bombarded toward him, withered arms arched upward, aged fingers poised to grab him. He could see the fangs in her mouth as she left behind streaks of saliva. He could see her sagging tits as they flailed wildly from left to right. Hansel Leiderhosen saw all of this, but only for a few seconds. The Witch moved at an alarming speed, cutting through the basement in the blink of an eye.

The next thing Hansel felt was the wind being knocked out of him, as a few of his ribs cracked from the Witch's herculean strength. His brain didn't have the time to register the fact that he was being thrown backward, he saw the basement in a blur as his body flew through the basement and into one of the rusted-over cages. His back hit the metal before his head and then he saw stars, and after that was nothing but darkness.

Hansel didn't see what the witch did to Gretel...but his live stream sure did. His phone landed against the cage he was in, the camera facing outward, so everyone saw everything. His viewers watched in horror as Gretel attempted to climb out the window, failing because she was too short. They watched as the Witch grabbed her by the ankle, lifting her over her head and slamming the Leiderhosen sibling onto the concrete like a rag doll.

They saw the streak of blood that Gretel left as the Witch dragged her lifeless body to the boiling cauldron. Not a single viewer closed out the live stream, they simply couldn't find it in themselves to do so. The comments stopped and so did the hearts as the Witch vaulted Gretel over her shoulder before throwing her into the boiling water.

Everyone heard her final screams. Everyone saw her as she bobbed up and down, her arms flailing wildly as her flesh melted off her bones. As her beautiful golden hair became one with the boiling stew that surrounded her. Eventually, her screams stopped, but viewers could see her body as it floated in the boil, they could see the skull beneath her skin.

Hansel's phone battery would eventually die, but not before he perished by the witch's hand. Viewers couldn't see what happened to him, because of the camera's angle...but they certainly heard his screams. Some say the Witch cut him up into tiny pieces while he was still alive. Others say she skinned him as he begged for his life. A few think she removed his organs before dumping him into the cauldron with his sister.

The Leiderhosen's viewers never saw the meal that the Witch was making. Hansel's phone battery died just as she was adding pieces of his body to the stew. Some viewers attempted to go to the last known location of the siblings, but no one was brave enough to set foot in the house of The Witch. Some say that you can see Hansel's phone from the basement

window, that it's there against his cage where he left it.

But of course, that’s just a rumor.

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