
I love lightspeed racing. The jump is like you are being pushed into your seat like a potato, the thrill of the course as you are just keeping control of the craft as you need to keep your wits about you.

For within the lanes, are creatures beyond my understanding.

Light creepers. Vicious little buggers that tear into your craft like it is made of butter. Thankfully, I know there weakness so I was ready for today’s race again the Mahrans.

The Mahrans have been trying for years to take control over the track. They have tried bribery, cheating (a friend of mine died thanks to that), and even blackmail. For whoever owns the lanes has power.

I was racing there champion Dova and even though he was curious about my ship, I knew I had this race in the bag.

The race began and we were neck and neck.

When the creatures came? I knew I had them where I wanted.

I saw his ship was gone and as they began to drop on my vessel I flipped the switch and…….nothing?

Like a thousand crows screaming, metal being torn apart, I looked out my window and for a brief moment I saw Dova’s ship!

He turned invisible at the last second! I steered out of the lanes and tried to land my ship on a remote planet.

Little did I realize that these red skinned creatures lived here! I had to hide. Who were these strangers? What did they want? I’m afraid to find out

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