
“Who are you?” The first three words I had heard him speak in a year. I clenched my fists trying to hold back the flood of tears threatening to spill down my cheeks the doctors mentioned he would forget his life before but I had hoped and prayed it wouldn’t come true. Telling myself he could never forget me but I was wrong. He stares at me his eyes looking as though they are looking through me not at me not recongnizing anything about me while I recongnize everything about him but that lost and foreign blank stare he was giving me. He told me he could never forget me he loved me too much to forget. I cry as he looks at me in confusion and asks again quietly

“Who are you?”

“I am your wife.” I say softly. He looks at me in fear and confusion.

“I am not married.” He responds eyes searching me as though he had never seen me in his entire life. I wish I could know what he was thinking as I sat there crying. I watch this woman who claims to be my wife crying I see the obvious distress in her sobs which wrack her petite form. I was never married I thought why is she barging in here claiming I had married her maybe it is just to gain attention. But something about her seems sincere the way her ocean blue eyes look into mine and tears spill down her cheeks I can’t help but wonder maybe she is my wife and I just forgot everything. I watch as she pulls out a book she sets it on my lap it is full of photographs of me and her together I look at them trying to puzzle together what is going on and how I couldn’t rember this woman who seemed to be a with me in very photo smiling her ocean blue eyes crinkling at the corners showing her joy. I look up at her and see her eyes then I feel a wave of remebreance as I look into those lovely eyes and whisper “It is you.” Her eyes find mine and she hugs me tightly I smile hugging back smelling a wash of her lavender scent coating me in her warmth I close my eyes and sink into her embrace.

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