'My stomach caved in with an eerie force... the effect of the last sunset I will ever see.'
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A Sky Of Sunsets And Sunrises
Natasha’s stomach caved in with eerie force, the effect of the last sunset she would ever see. She was sitting on a ledge of solid stone, with Chiku. “Life comes with a price” He said. “What is it?” Asked Natasha, eager for the answer. “Death, and losses, tragedies. This is the last sunset we will ever see, Natasha, until the dark forces take over.” He said. They sat in silence, as the wind swirled around their feet, casting out every other noise, except each other. The sea’s waves crashed solemnly in the distance, giving the effect of a funeral. Natasha said. “We can stop them can’t we?” The blistering hopefulness in her voice unbearable.
“We can’t, it’s over.” He said simply. Tears started to form in Natasha’s eyes, forcing her to blink them away. “_It can’t be over.” _She said to Chiku, who shook his head. “There’s no stopping them, we _can’t_” _we can!_ Thought Natasha. _Or is this where the world ends?_**_ …
_****This is the final story of ****_A Sky_**** series! Hope you enjoyed.**