Elidana’s Planetary Culture Report:

The 37th world (kaimaltha major) went dark about twelve generations ago, due to the dust of a star that exploded millions of years ago surrounding their sun (the Rosa 24) resulting in a possibly permanent darkness to the planet. This event however, though classified as a catastrophe, could be considered the main event that sparked the beautiful culture of the kaimalithan people. Since their world went dark, their culture developed a unique focus on the other senses beyond sight- and their culture is especially known for their exquisite clothing which focuses on the galaxy wide sensation of touch. This clothing, while being amazingly ingenious in design and taste, also accidentally brought millions of creatures and cultures together, because touch is the only completely universal sense shared by every known sentient species. On my visit to the incredible planet, I was immediately disoriented- but met by the gloved hand of a tour guide, whose sticky soft fingers astounded me. As I met different people of this planet, I learned about the textiles of status and the textures of personal expression. For example, most tour guides of the area I landed in wore the same spongy gloves, and ordinary bystanders avoided them so they wouldn’t be confused for a worker. Most kaimalithans I encountered wore an accessory called a “shell” which orbits around the wearer to avoid collisions with other pedestrians. Usually shells are a soft, bouncy texture, but they very depending on a person’s style. When I was there, I bought one that surrounded me with a misty, fluffy texture, and I soon realized that not only did the shell prevent me from bumping into someone else, it also helped me navigate the city, because when something brushed against my shell-I would feel a slight pressure from that direction, which helped me find my way around walls. One of my favorite parts of visiting was meeting new people. When you were introduced, you were expected to feel the persons outfit, to see how they expressed themselves, and get to know them better. My favorite outfit was one from a kaimalithan working at a fruit festival (the festival smelled amazing by the way) who was wearing a skirt that was cold and foamy with a rock hard smooth belt which felt a bit like glass, a silky blouse, a shell that felt like liquid sunshine, and a sharp scratchy hairpiece to ad contrast to the soft outfit. I can’t really explain it, but it was like I got to feel a piece of their souls. Not just the fruit vendor, but every person I met. It makes me wonder if we just paid a bit more attention, we could _see_ the pieces of people’s souls thet they put out into the world just like I felt the souls of the kaimalithans on their dark planet. As I have returned to my home planet (earth 17) that is what I’ve tried to do. And even though I know it’s wrong to judge by appearance, my experience helped me find the importance of both how a person presents themselves, and what sensory perception we choose to focus on as a culture and as a species.

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