The New Student

Today was like any other school day, except for the fact that there was a new student. I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention, but all the girls in my grade were eyeing him. He introduced himself as Matthew, and then Ms. Frederick told him to find a seat. He took a seat right next to me, and when I glanced up at him, he smiled at me.

Walking through the halls, I saw a group of girls surrounding Matthew, and he seemed overwhelmed. While I was walking past them, he looked up at me and waved.

“Alright everyone, find a partner!” Mr. Caddel said. Immediately, all the girls who were in the room asked Matthew to be their partner, but he denied all of them. He got up and walked over to me and asked: “Will you be my partner?” “Yes Matthew, I will be your partner!” Then he sat down at the desk next to me. “Those girls won't leave me alone! They have been bothering me all day. It's very overwhelming!” Matthew whispered. “I noticed that,”I responded. “They are just excited that there's a new boy in school.”

When the bell rang, I went to my locker to pack up. “Hey, can I get your number for the project?” Matthew asked, approaching me. “Sure,” I answered, smiling. “Cool. Have a good rest of your day!” He said, then walking away and out the doors.

The next day, Matthew and I met at my house after school to work on the project. I started to like spending time with him, and when the girls in school saw us talking, they would give me dirty looks.

About a week later, we turned in our project. “I think we got a pretty good grade!” Matthew said. “I think so too!” I agreed. “Before you leave, I have something to ask you, but stay right there. I'll be right back!” Matthew said, running out the front doors.

Two minutes later he came back inside, with a poster board. He started to approach me and as he got closer I could finally read it, and it said, “Will you be my girlfriend?” I instantly felt tears form in my eyes as this was such a sweet gesture.

“What? Are you asking Ashley to be your girlfriend? Why her? Anyone but her! She is such a loser!” Jenna exclaimed. Jenna has always been quite rude to me, but before I could respond, Matthew started to speak. “Actually, Ashley is the prettiest girl I have ever seen. And while all of you were trying to get together with me, all I wanted was to be with her. So yes, I am asking Ashley to be my girlfriend. And honestly, you are the loser, because you constantly pick on people and picking on people is what losers do.” Matthew said.

“So what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?” Matthew asked. “Of course I will!” I exclaimed, then wrapped my arms around him. “Come on, lets get out of here.” He said, putting his arm around my shoulder. “Let's show everyone we are together, so all these other girls can finally stop harassing me.” He added.

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