Write a story that includes a nested narrative.

Use a narrative structure where multiple stories are told within a larger story. The inner stories can be told in any order, and they may or may not be directly related to the larger story.

The Murder Case

Olivia curls up against the wall eyes large as she watches daddy stab mommy. Painting the white walls dark crimson.

Jack gets home hangs his coat on the empty coat wall, the world goes dark, a demons holds his daughter hostage in it’s arms. He screams, frees his daughter and attacks the demon.

Emma has heard of death and was always fascinated by it, sometimes even wishing it upon herself. Now she is not so sure, now faced with her enevatble death she wants to live. She weakly reaches a hand towards the door before blood and pain overwhelm her.

Janet screams and drops casserol, porcelain glass scattering around the front porch.

Henry pulls on his brown overcoat and exits the office into the cold night air. The new case was just same old same old, A father killed his wife but surprisingly left his young daughter alive. What a shame.

Olivia tries to back further into the wall as daddy steps closer and closer. But daddy turns at the last second and grabbed one of two coats from the wall.

Janet backs away from the door porcelain breaking under her boots, a man in a brown overcoat walks out the door.

Jack lyes bleeding on the floor wondering when his wife was going to tell him their daughter wasn’t his.

Henry crosses to the house where the murder took place, he reatches for the door handle. Seeing a dark brown spot on his overcoat he sighs, that’s going to be hard to get out.

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