A Phoenix And A Demon

Cyrus opened her eyes, vision blurry as it focused. Where was she? She turned around when she heard a little girl’s voice say, “NO! Please! W-what did I do wrong?!” She knew that voice….was she? No- it was impossible! She couldn’t be in Adalia’s mind….could she?

“Normally, I would put people into their best friends minds. Buuuuuut, I think this will teach you a big lesson your majesty,” a while figure said with a bow.

“What? What the hell…” Cyrus asked. The figure chuckled.

“Have fun. You’ve put this poor girl through hell,”

And then it was gone. Adalia’s memories flooded in, one after the other. Cyrus seamed to star in almost all of them. She saw herself slashing the girl across the face, and chasing her out of the town. And she saw a side of her that she had never seen before. She was crying…..Adalia was crying…..she tripped over a root while blood filled her vision, her eyelids growing heavy. Cyrus found her own eyes watering.

“I’m a monster….” She said softly.

In the blur, she saw a man rushing to Adalia’s side. He whispered, “shhhhhh. Your alright. Good lord it’s a child! Who would do such a thing to an eight year old?! Who am I kidding? Is without a doubt Queen Cyrus,” while still talking, he picked Adalia up and then there was darkness. The memories continued on until she reached the end.

“Wow-“ Cyrus whispered, staring down at her shaking hands.

“Now, of corse, there is no way to say I’m sorry to her since….well….she killed you….but, do you agree that she deserves the throne? I’m sure your daughter, Pandora, will help her,” she figure said. Cyrus nodded.

As Cyrus walked down the endless stairs down to hell, she couldn’t stop thinking of Adalia. Her face, her one’s lovely, now scarred. The amount of anxiety Cyrus has given her….and killing the poor things mother….though Cyrus knew she had broken her into a million pieces, she was like the sun of the over world; A Phoenix. And Cyrus was the shadows; A demon.

(If there are any stupid mistakes, please forgive me. It’s 4 am)

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