The Sun

The sun today is bright bright yellow. You don’t even have to look at it to be blinded by it’s light, it’s best to keep your head down otherwise your eyes will burn. Don’t look at the grass, though, it’s too green. And, with the help of the sun, beautiful flowers are growing.

They’re everywhere.

You know what? It’s best to just look forward. Look straight ahead - not at the sun or at the grass and beautiful flowers.

Try to ignore the sound of the ice cream truck off in the distance. The kids are yelling - they love ice cream. They must be happy, those kids.. Their shouts of joy..

Actually, you better cover your ears. Mute the sound - mute everything. And, you know what? Close your eyes. Don’t look at anything. Not the world that’s ending around you, the lifeless bodies of innocent people that lay in the green-green grass and their blood which paints the pretty white flowers red.

Don’t listen to the kids that are screaming. Not for ice cream, but for their parents who have just perished in front of them. You’re one of those kids and you survived. Why did you survive? And, why is the world ending?

Doesn’t matter. Just keep walking. Walk over the dead bodies, don’t look at the sun or the grass and cover your ears. The only thing you’ll hear are the cries of kids just like you who want to know the same thing.

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