
You hit on at me at work to start with

in the beginning little nudges (with your wants)

I responded

And you got what you wanted

Our journey several years on

a marital life sentence

and the veil of blind bliss left my eyes

Looking back there were tell tale signs…

A cross word over the toothpaste squeeze

The happy clapping madness which could quickly turn into a muttering mood blurting out annoying and hurtful words

negative vibes that no one wanted…

I was so busy living and looking after you and the children

I took it in my weary stride

The hum drum cycle of family life.

I should have realised many things

The flirting was always more fun than being in bed. Anyone can flirt and then leave alone…

That was one of your problems…

Leaving me alone…

No spatial awareness,

demands of my time when you could have done things for yourself

I’ve been your slave

There have been good bits too…

But the thing is, things stack, the tower gets too tall and it’s going to fall…

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