Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

Never Gonna Last

I was a child when this happened, maybe around 7. I was in love with this little dinosaur egg toy that I brought with me everywhere.

My mother told me that the egg would hatch into a dinosaur if I put it into water but I didn’t want it to hatch, I wanted to keep the egg just as it was, there was no need for it to change.

Then it happened. The devil spawn itself, my sister. She STOLE my egg and ran to the sink!

I screamed and chased her as fast as I could. When I finally caught up to her it was too late… my beautiful dinosaur egg was in a sink full of water.

I cried and cried, a dinosaur came out of it but I didn’t want it. That egg was everything to me, it made me feel safe, secured, I loved it. And it is gone.

I guess, that was when I learned that even if you love something with all your heart. That even if you try your hardest to resist change and keep things the same, it will ultimately fail.

That was when I learned that…

The things you love are never gonna last

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