You are stuck in a room with a pyschopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.
Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.
Take It All
Is killing me going to make the Demons go away? Which demon is it this time, love? Have I not given you enough in all these years we’ve been married? Every demon that came knocking, I’ve answered and I’ve given, all just to make you happy! No matter how much it killed me inside, how much I lost myself each time and the nightmares I still have, I’ve done it! When will it stop? When will it be enough?!” Something changed in that moment and clarity set in. I wanted the peace death will bring me, I will be free from him. So, I kneeled in front of him and I said “Set me free, please.” He looked at me and I thought he would do it, he had that murderous look in his eye, but then he smiled, opened the door and left, leaving the door wide open for me to follow. I screamed as hard as I could “Noooo!”