The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold; a place once so magical now hurt to behold.
Write a rhyming poem that ends with this line.
Looking Up At The Stars
Me and you
We used to look at the sky
At the moon at the planets
At the stars flying by
We’d sit on a blanket
Looking up above
Just me and you
Falling in love
You’d sing me a song
I’d smile happily
We’d smile together
You’d smile at me
We’d name all the comets
As we’d watch them fly by
Looking up to the starlit sky
Then one night
I knew something was wrong
You didn’t turn up
I couldn’t hear your song
I waited and I waited
But you never came
And I felt for no one like you
Ever again
The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold;
a place once so magical now hurt to behold.