Love-Hate Relationship

Our relationship is a complicated one.

I can't always tell where you stand.

Is this love? Is this loathing?

When I think about you, my heart gives a flutter. Butterflies flit about, tickling my insides and then fizzling out. I feel strangely empty when the butterflies go, and I wonder if it would be better if you disappeared with them.

My heart heart aches when you're near me, my cheeks burn when you're close. My fingers twich desperately, wanting to wrap around your throat.

Your lips are lovely.

They're pieces of flesh.

I want to kiss them.

I wish you death.

I can't think straight around you - you have me seeing red. They things I want to do to (or with) you have me feeling not right in the head.

Is this a normal feeling?

Do you feel it it too?

I love it when your eyes sparkle, wilt when they dull.

Wish I didn't itch to finger the trigger of a gun to pull.

What have you done to me?

What are these thoughts?

I fluster, lose composure, and wish they were gone.

I want to push you to the opposite side of the Earth - and even them I'm not sure if that's far enough. Maybe I'll ship you to space.

But even then, I know for sure - I'll still think of your face.

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