Talking With The Devil

In the depths of despair, where shadows loom,

Conversations with the devil in the midnight gloom.

Words sharp as daggers, piercing the soul,

A dialogue of darkness taking its toll.

Whispers of temptation, a seductive dance,

In the devil's presence, taking a chance.

Promises of power, laced with deceit,

A treacherous path beneath our feet.

The devil's tongue, silver and sly,

Weaving tales of deceit, a cunning ally.

In the labyrinth of lies, truth obscured,

In the devil's grasp, souls lured.

Echoes of laughter, cold and cruel,

In the devil's realm, a twisted duel.

Morality questioned, boundaries blurred,

In the devil's game, destinies interred.

Yet in the midst of darkness, a flicker of light,

A glimmer of hope in the endless night.

Conversations with the devil, a test of will,

Choosing between right and the thrill.

So in the realm of shadows, where demons dwell,

Beware the whispers, the devil's spell.

For in the heart of darkness, a choice to make,

To resist temptation, a stand to take.

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