Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.
It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.
Manifesting Bombs?
Wait? She meant blue wire? Well, this sure makes this different. I cut the red wire after her voice rang through the phone impulsively. My hand shook a little as the timer suddenly sped up by a whole thirty seconds. Even if that doesn't sound like much, when defusing a bomb thirty seconds means living or dying. I heard her voice again, a sharp panic in her tone that wasn't there before. She called my name three times before I realized that I hadn't replied yet.
"I'm getting there, okay? I'm sorry for focusing," my response was involuntary and laced with stress. I was very frustrated. She replied with an okay before I continued to cut the red wire, the timer now stopping at eight seconds. I let out a shaky breath before getting out from under the congressman's vehicle. I wiped the sweat and grease from my forehead before turning to the older man with a stoic expression.
"Thank you so much, young man. My life could have ended today," the congressman breathed out in a certain relief reserved for only these near death experiences.
"It was no problem, sir. My team and I are only here to be sure of your safety as we investigate this case, " I assured the man. I had a feeling that this bomb wouldn't be the last. I walked back to my government-provided SUV just as flames rose from an explosion only four cars down. I was knocked over from the blow, and groaned miserably as I tried to sit up. My only thought was about why I couldn't manifest a million dollars as easily as lethal bombs.